ITI Draughtsman Civil 1st Year NIMI Mock Test

NCVT MIS ITI Online NIMI Mock Test for Trade Draughtsman Civil 1st Year CBT Exam Most Important MCQs Practice Sets According to the latest Syllabus of DGT Every Set Include 25 Most Important Questions and 4 Option with Answer.

ITI Draughtsman Civil 1st Year NIMI Mock Test

Draughtsman Civil 1st Year MCQs

Trade Introduction safety and hand toolsClick Here
Building Drawing and DimensionsClick Here
Building Construction MaterialsClick Here
Civil Protective MaterialsClick Here
Construction of Building and FoundationClick Here
Permanent and Temporary StructureClick Here
Safety Treatment for Building StructureClick Here
Lintels and ArchesClick Here
SurveyingClick Here
LevelingClick Here
Theodolite SurveyClick Here
Door and WindowClick Here
WiringClick Here
FloorsClick Here
Stairs, Lift, and EscalatorClick Here
Roof and Roof CouveringClick Here