ITI Electrician Important SI Units depend of “International Conference Of Weight and Measure”

Sr. No | Quantity | Measuring Unit | Symbol |
1 | Force | Newton | N |
2 | Area | Square Meter | m2 |
3 | Resistance | Ohm | Ω |
4 | Power | Watt | W |
5 | Density | Kg per cubic meter | kg/m3 |
6 | Velocity | Meter Per Second | m/s |
7 | Capacitance | Farad | F |
8 | Magnetic Flux | Weber | Wb |
9 | Inductance | Henry | H |
10 | Pressure | Newton per square meter | N/m2 |
11 | Magnetic Flux Density | Tesla | T or Wb/m2 |
12 | Angular Velocity | Radian per second | rad/s |
13 | Work, Energy, Heat | Joule | J or N-m |
14 | Frequency | Hertz | Hz |
15 | Magnetic Field Strenght | Ampere Per meter | A/m |
16 | Magnetic Motive Force | Ampere turn | AT |
17 | Electric Field Strength | Volt Per meter | V/m |
18 | Electric Charge | Coulomb | C |
19 | Potential , Potential Difference | Volt | V |
20 | Luminous Flux | Lumen | lm |
21 | Illumination | Lux | lx |
22 | Admittance | Siemens | S |
23 | Conductance | Siemens | S |
24 | Conductivity | Siemens per meter | S/m |
25 | Current Density | Ampere Per Square Meter | A/m2 |
26 | Electric Flux | Coulomb | C |
27 | Electric Flux Density | Coulomb per Square Meter | C/m2 |
28 | Impedance | Ohm | Ω |
29 | Self Inductance | Henry | H |
30 | Mutual Inductance | Henry | H |
31 | Change on Quantity of electricity | Coulomb | C |
32 | Magnetic Constant or Permeability of free space | Henry per meter | H/m |
33 | Reactance | Ohm | Ω |
34 | Reluctance | Ampere per Weber | A/Wb |
35 | Resistivity | Ohm meter | Ωm |
36 | Susceptance | Siemens | S |
37 | Torque | Newton meter | Nm |
38 | Current | Ampere | A |
39 | Voltage | Volt | V |
40 | Heat Energy | Joule | J |
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