ITI WCS Square root MCQ Mock Test

Square Root ITI NCVT MIS Mock Test is very important for ITI students here you will solve quiz about what is square root of a number and increase your practice

ITI WCS Square root MCQ Mock Test

Square root(वर्गमूल)

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√0.0225 का वर्गमूल ज्ञात करें?
find the square root of √0.0225?

√0.0081 =______

0.00002809 का वर्गमूल ज्ञात करें?
find the square root of 0.00002809?

[NCVT 2010]

3 का वर्गमूल दशमलव के तीनों को तक ज्ञात करें?
Find the square root of 3 up to three decimal places.


√31+√43/(17)2 =?

[NCVT 1997]

0.9 का वर्गमूल ज्ञात करें?
find the square root of 0.9

कौन सी संख्या पूर्ण वर्ग संख्या नहीं है?
Which number is not a perfect square number

1/√2+√3 का मान ज्ञात करें?
Find the value of 1/√2+√3?

0.0036 का वर्गमूल ज्ञात करें?
find the square root of 0.0036?

52+(x)2+(30)2; x का मान होगा?
52+(x)2+(30)2; find the value of "x"

437.2281 का वर्गमूल ज्ञात करें ?
find the square root of 437.2281 ?

[NCVT 1993]


√1225 =____?

√338.56 का मान ज्ञात करें?
Find the value of √338.56


√1.21 - √0.01 = _______?

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